analysis and discussions about the present turkish politics under tayyip erdogan are in focus on this site. the so called kurdish question should not be left out of focus. Questions concernig islam and/or laizism in turkey and the region should be asked a
Published on October 20, 2005 By iskenderr In Life
Positive thinking!

What is positive thinking?

Is it telling people not which mistakes to make? Or is it telling them which mistakes they have done?
Is it positive to talk about mistakes at all? Or isn't it better not to mention mistakes, but only refer to the good and correct that has been uttered by others or done?
Of course, some of you will now pose the question, maybe, what is 'good' and what is 'correct' supposed to be? Are these relative notions or absolute ones?

(1)What is correct or good for me, must not be necessarily good or correct to someone else!

Having said the latter is thereby automatically implied - at least from my point of view – that the seat, so to say, to act and think positively has been planted? Yes, indeed – somehow!

Taken the above phrase (1) into consideration, one would have to sit down and talk with others about his or her definition of ‘good’ or ‘bad’? I believe that such has been done – as much as I could see and hear, when visiting bi-communal meetings – in Cyprus for most likely too long and too intensive. It has kind of developed – although the ones meeting in such meetings have best and very honourable reasons and intentions - in to a culture of blaming one another – and be it even very refine and indirectly!

Lately I had been in the Goethe Zentrum where this wonderful woman from South-Africa was invited to share her views on the Cyprus problem at one of those bi-communal meetings.
It is her, who planted the seat in me going ahead with what I presumed quite for some time to be very necessary here on the islands and amongst the islanders (2): to cultivate a culture of positive thought and action.

This term – for the ones that may have heard of positivism in Philosophy or Sociology – is not a rational method to look at things, the problem in Cyprus. As a matter of fact it is intended even, not to mention the so-called problem too often or at all – only if necessary – as if not to destroy the energy and motivation that will have to be arisen amongst the communities. The above mentioned (2) does of course not intend to say that the bi-communal meetings were of negative content or something that is or was going into this direction. No!
But fact is that obviously some of the bi-communal founders, or if not so its seemingly most prominent heads, speak publicly and recurring about a certain “deadlock” they have got into with their bi-communal activities.

It would be blowing up the frame of this contribution to analyse the reasons for the so-called ‘deadlock’ – and actually it is not at all intended to step into – more or less – the same trap they seem to be stuck in: the trap of analysing others ‘goods’ or ‘bads’ till the details lock you dead.

The workshop Positive Thinking is supposed to be a workshop. A workshop is a getting together of people of different social backgrounds and educational levels etc. to experience while experiment positive thinking. Stereotypes therefore want and have to be broken open - and will have to be broken open. Stereotypes about oneself, too. It is for the participants important to get a certain guideline (I was repeatedly made aware of the fact that the islanders have a rather traditional conditioning. The latter means that the way they are brought up, I was told, is a passive approach towards life: the parents dictate what, who, why and when! Of course, they grow up, was my first thought, when such was said to me, who directs them then through life?), but more important is that they reach a point of common interest. Whatever this may be (bird flu victims, AIDS victims, women or men left alone, living in the street, feeding street-cats or gathering litter on the beach, language learning, for example English, German or Chinese, Thai Chi, Chinese medicine, name it!

Let me say something to the guideline. But before I do so, I want to emphasize again on the nature of a workshop: it is not somewhere were you go and sit down and consume a speech and maybe join some kind of discussion about a topic. No! The workshop expects active contribution and willingness to open up from within by taking action with others on a topic that out of some reason will evolve while one comes together or because the before mentioned guideline opened that interest in one way or another – and opening up means to really want to experience something even that may not have a direct material worth or connection to the – excuse – ‘good’ old and best known problem: Cyprus! The guideline is some kind of companion for in the first place – if there is demand for the coming meetings, too – a sort of introduction, which will give the participants maybe room to develop some kind of common ground for future meetings.

The positive thinking can therefore be defined as: active involvement for active solutions on a small scale. Whatever kind of common interest or interests will be realised by the participants on that very first meeting or after some, almost automatically will it create new ‘enemies’, which are useful to – as the lady from South-Africa said – feel success and bind together.

It is ‘only’ me, who will at the first meeting constitute or present the guideline. If there is need, someone else can do – another - guiding line at the next or even the following meetings, but under one condition: no linkage, no word on the so-called problem, no negativisms on anybody or anything! I know, you already ask: what are negativisms and who will decide whether her or his contribution is pointing into this direction?
In this case we will have to see simply, how the participants will react. Accordingly to their reaction, we will not focus on discussing the negativity of something but will rather try then to find out, how this ‘load’ can be switched positive or if it is best to leave it unanswered.

Ever heard about Huna? Huna is a way to approach life. It is an approach, which the Hawaiians tender towards life traditionally – very positive in its intention, spiritual healing.
I may connect this knowledge with simple exercises that will be taken either from the Huna or Qi Qong – most likely not from the Tai Qi (I practise the latter as Tai Qong Do – Alexander since 10 years. I am the founder and teacher of it. Tai Qong Do – Alexander is a mixture of Tai Qi, Qung Fu and Qi Qong as well as knowledge of Chinese Medicine, which is included and is being taught alongside with it. I am a trained and practising Shiatsu Masseur).
The aim is not to turn the participants into Huna-followers, nor to awake their interest in Chinese Medicine or Chinese combat arts. This guideline is supposed to be a tool, something to open a complete – I hope it will be completely unknown to many of them – different world, approach, time passing and experience.
It is not expected to get results on the same day – this would be, indeed, rather exceptional or surprising. Such an experience has to grow from within and its fruits will have to be collected, when the participants start becoming active on a common topic, which may be triggered within them because of this experience and, of course, the time which will be spend together after the guideline was presented – and be it only that they – once again – only theoretically talk of something they call their common topic (which would be, from my point of view, not a satisfying result, but would nevertheless most likely not be worse than what the situation is like now and maybe at least the “deadlock” perception may have vanished then.

on Oct 21, 2005
What is positive thinking?

I wrote a short article on positive thinking a few years ago. I left it gathering dust, as no one else has read it. If you don't mind iskenderr, I'll copy and paste it here. (Yours was a good article, by the way. Thanks for sharing it.)

Positive Thinking
Our “thoughts” are self-created forces which effect the way we interpret the world, and which in turn effect the way we feel about the world. As spiritual beings, we are creators of our own experience. Regardless of the facts facing us, we can perceive those facts in whatever way we choose. During the course of approaching situations and circumstances in life, how we think about them not only effects how we feel, but also greatly determines whether the situations overcome us, or whether we overcome them. The choice is actually ours.

For example, imaging going to a job interview, and at the end of it you learned that you didn’t get the job. It went to somebody else at the last minute. How are you feeling? Your feelings will depend upon your thoughts. So how would you be thinking about the situation? Would you chalk it up as a “failure” and conclude that you are inadequate and lousy and that you have little self-worth? Or would you uphold your sense of self-worth, and perceive it as a experience that can add to your learning and progression in life, and that there will be further opportunities down the line?

The reason why so many people live their lives riddled with feelings of insecurity, worry and inferiority complexes, some of which can be very chronic cases, is because they continue to fill their minds with a steady flow of negative thoughts and perceptions. We so often fill our minds with thoughts of inadequacy, thoughts of inferiority, thoughts of failure, thoughts of pessimism, thoughts of doubt. Yet as long as we get into the habit of creating a steady flow of negative energy in our mind, a negative impact in the way we perceive reality and in the way in which we are, will naturally result. Many of our greatest limitations in life are indeed set by our own attitudes.

Now, as long as we assume a worldly, non-spiritual perspective of life, then our feelings will unconsciously be shaped by our external conditions and by other people’s opinions. However, upon our spiritual awakening, we find ourself in the position to consciously choose our perceptions, choose our behaviour, and in turn choose our feelings. This in turn empowers us to freely cut a ‘positive groove’ in our life. We can understand the logic that if we are not happy with our current bearing in life, and if we want to make a change, then the engine of change must come from within us. Our direction in life is indeed determined by our perception of life, which in turn is shaped by our thoughts about life.

So, if we want to change our bearing in life, the first step is to change our thought about our life. The rest will naturally follow.

A popular way of exercising positive thinking is to repeat certain phrases and affirming them, maybe just before going to bed, or first thing in the morning, or just before entering a situation like a job interview. Consider, for instance, “I have the strength to face all conditions by the power that Christ gives me.” (Philippians 4.13), or “Fear not, for I am with you.” (Isaiah 43.5.)

To mindfully repeat positive affirmations such as these at key times in our day will cause positive changes in our feelings and in our perception of life. If we allow a steady flow of positive thoughts and affirmations into our mind, positive powers are released which enable us to overcome feelings of inferiority, insecurity and worry, allowing us to overcome all kinds of troublesome situations.

But why is this so? How does it actually work? Let us now see the science behind it. (In my opinion, this a science for those who are spiritually awake.)

The Roots of Positivity.

Whatever our current beliefs are, assume for a moment a theistic model of the world. The nature of Ultimate Reality (i.e. God) is divinity and Absolute Positivity.

From within this context, we can now understand that positive thinking aligns our mind with the nature of Ultimate Reality. Negative thoughts cause our interpretation of reality to grind against Reality itself, so we experience inner friction. In order to free ourselves from such friction, we must align our created perceptions, (our thoughts), with Uncreated Reality, (i.e. God, or Ultimate Reality). The size of the gap between our interpretation of reality and Reality itself determines our degree of inner harmony and peace. The larger the gap, the more room for feelings of fear, insecurity and irrationality, and the more distorted our view of reality will be.

In a nutshell, positive thinking aligns our mind with the Truth. As the earlier job interview scenario demonstrated, the highest form of positive thinking would not be to make affirmations such as, “Whatever happens, this job will be mine.” Rather, our thoughts would be aligned with a higher wisdom: “Whatever happens, everything is okay. Nothing can detriment my self-worth. I am loved unconditionally, and no matter what, and my soul will grow in wisdom from this experience. I have nothing to fear.”

As long as we perceive reality through a narrow, distorted scope, then a negative situation can appear to be the ‘full picture’. Such a perception is what leads people to disbelieve in God, or can even lead to suicide. People often believe that there is no hope or light at all. Yet there is always a light, a hope and a way. This is Truth, this is positive thinking, and when we perceive Reality from a higher perspective, we are able to understand that life is eternal, that death is not the end, and that life is "good".

When our mental affirmations are in line with the wisdom of our heart, then great positive forces are naturally released into our life, and success and well-being will be drawn to us.

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – His good, pleasing and perfect will.” - St. Paul, Romans 12.2
on Oct 22, 2005
positive thinking aligns our mind with the nature of Ultimate Reality. Negative thoughts cause our interpretation of reality to grind against Reality itself, so we experience inner friction.

(This principle is based on the premise that the Ultimate Dimension of Reality is Spirit, and that we are spiritual beings - a principle adhered to by all religions, incidentally.)

I'd written a lot more to that article, but I must have had too much time on my hands, as it looks a bit cringy and over zealous now, looking back on it. But here it is anyway, for anyone who might be interested. (I think there's a vast minority interested in my posts on JU.)

. . . "Get into the habit of filling your head with positivity! Never think you are a failure. Never think you are inferior. You are a magnificent creation which will last forever! Never put yourself down. Don't put anybody else down. See yourself and everybody else in the One Light, which is the truest perception.

Whatever situation, circumstance or obstacle you might presently be facing in life, do not be afraid of it. It does not possess the power which you have mistakenly assigned to it. God is with you always, and the power within you is far greater than any obstacle in your way. Let go of your fears!

If you have accepted another person’s negative affirmations about yourself as truth, in ways that have made you feel inferior, inadequate, or abused, then neutralise those affirmations and rise above them, primarily by making positive affirmations about yourself. Now is the time to re-claim and re-embrace your own strength, your own beauty, and your own sense of self-worth. Now is the time to make yourself whole again.

If you have any hang ups at all about your physical appearance, then simply let them go. Be concerned first and foremost with the reflection in the mirror of your soul. Your outer-being will reflect the content of your inner-being, so the real question is: Do you like what you see in the reflection of your soul? If the answer is no, then you can make a change. Go for a makeover, and know that beauty comes from within.

Boost your self-confidence with the knowledge that your Source is boundless love, light and spiritual wealth. You have the Creator of the whole universe on your side! You are treasured more than you can ever dream about. Rejoice and be liberated in the Truth that your heritage is love, that your soul will exist for all eternity. Open your mind and heart and fully appreciate that there is an eternally bigger picture, and that one day you will behold its full Magnificence. When you perceive the Spirit back of all things, you will finally know that love is the ultimate force of good, and you will realise that your Real Source is the Loving One - the Creator, God.

Do you want to know a great secret? This is the way things really are! Positive thinking aligns our attitudes with the way things are. If you were to listen to your heart of hearts, then you would know this to be true, because that’s where the Reality is. Deep down, your heart already knows the Truth about God, and your heart yearns for your mind to align itself with it. When this alignment is made, harmony arises, and a ‘chord of joy’ is struck which resonates throughout your being. (This is known as a “spiritual awakening”.) However, whenever the mind chooses to doubt or deny the Truth of God, which it might do in the face of the world’s folly and problems, the soul’s awakening will be dulled by the stubbornness and misguided perceptions of the mind.

When you get into the habit of perceiving everything in line with Absolute Positivity, then you will have mastered the art of living in the world with no fear. You will have awakened to the fact that you have no problems or worries in your life. The only way to have a problem or a worry is to choose to perceive a certain situation as a problem or a worry. When you realise that this physical realm is simply a temporary environment for the perfection and development of your soul, then you will be set free. You will be able to truly relax, let go, trust God, and share in the joy of the Lord.

The key lies in changing the pattern of our thoughts, and being “transformed by the renewing of our mind”. Discovering the engine of positive thinking is merely the icing on the cake for the Christian life. Over time, after having established our spiritual muscles, positivity will flow absolutely naturally, stemming from the deepest level of our being, rooted in the Real Vine. Christ is not only the True Vine, He is also the True Spine, because through Him we will no longer be spineless and weak. We will have attained the ultimate Spine through which we can stand up to whatever life has to throw at us.

All in all, the quality of our life is determined first and foremost by the pattern of our thoughts. When these patterns are aligned with 'What Is So', the positive impact upon our life and upon our feeling about life is enormous.

Let it happen, then, as you believe.
on Nov 27, 2005
Maybe it's me but I always thought that positive thinking was simply desciplining oneself not to harp on negative thoughts.

For example you screw up, you acknowledge it and move on. You don't sit there and begin to examine all your flaws and continually lament over them. Nor do you find an excuse for them through religious or psycological means.

You don't have to be Christian to stay positive. There are many philosophies and religions one can take to ensure a healthy positive outlook on life. If one begins to believe there way is the only way then one is destined for negative thought. Why? Because more time will be spent defending and proving your views to others and in the end will involve more negative then positive thought.