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KKTC islolation may be lifted
Published on October 20, 2005 By iskenderr In International
Le Pen – ‘Prophet’ of a coming temporarily division!

Mr. Le Pen will visit the island of the Cypriots on the 01. of November. In his suitcase he will have, I believe: hate against everything that is related to Turkey and Turks.

There will be some welcoming him and some, like some organizations of the civil society (KISA etc), that will show him, I hope, not their hate, but best disobedience and their disgust on certain ideological ideas he is going to present and which he uttered lately.

For me it is not quite clear, why such a character comes now, now at this time of the year. It might as well be that the earthquake before several days was the first form of protesting his arrival. Will he bring the bird-flu with him? Could there be even any good out come of his visit?
This latter question must be raised, I am afraid. It must be raised, because it implies the fact, that one should not indulge in feelings of hate, disgust and all that for too long and too deep and find and develop instead strategies against the one think that is annoying. His visit is annoying, because of his political stand-points! He will most likely smear shitty remarks on Turks and foreigners of the so-called Third World in particular. It will be indeed very interesting to see to which degree his tirades will be taken up by the politicians of the island and who they will be.

Politicians as nowadays almost everybody knows have a certain flexibility – at least they should be able to turn 180 degrees from what they said the day or the hour before. It can not be expected of Le Pen to do such a pirouette, but Mr. Papadopolous and other politicians of this island seem to be in bad need to make up – as they say – in Europe. To win friends and more support in the EU on their cause, they should – if they are clever and professional politicians – seize the chance and distance themselves clearly from the viewpoints of this French, who does after all side with some of the politicians of the Vichy collaborators of France, which supported Hitler.

That Mr. Talat went to America to talk to that lady-foreign minister, was mentioned all over in the newspapers of Cyprus. As much as I understood have the true details and facts of this visit yet not been disclosed – and will most likely never be disclosed. I would not be surprised, in connection with the visit o Le Pen, if they have decided for a division of the island – and be it temporarily. Le Pen and other events that may follow (of which nature they will be, we do not know yet) are supposed to kind of stimulate (or maintain) such a mood of division within the public.

In the north is lately talk about visa-, citizenship- and new resident permit-regulations, which are to be employed – as much as I understood – pretty soon. One think is to want something the other to do it. We will have to wait up to what degree this new stipulations will be executed. There is, indeed, need to do such. As I read in the Kibrisli Gazete, have the ones who have received a work permit or their employees not paid accordingly to their figure money into the social system. This indicates – as the figure showed in the article I read – that a large number of these workers and employees do not care about the social system of the KKTC, maybe as well the state system, nor its welfare - but seem simply to be here to make a quick bug.
The latter, making a quick bug, you may say is fine. But you may say as well: now is enough! I do not know, actually, which approach is in the end serving the interests of the Cypriots of the KKTC better.

This before mentioned measures may be the first signs in the north for the division and that the KKTC will become a state of its own. Looking at the new global concept that the US has worked out, which is aiming to ‘reform’ the area from Marocco to the boarders of China, are small countries the preferred shape in which countries should be shaped in best. Such small countries are easier to handle – kind of remote control, you know! - and most likely more dependent on what the ‘big ones’ want them to do. As I wrote before in one of my articles: such a development may be bitter, but looking at the unwillingness to talk and cooperate with one another in Cyprus – they could not even agree upon a cooperation in fighting the thread of the most likely coming bird-flu – is time obviously a good healer, amongst other measures, of course.
A new generation of Cypriots must grow. Having the door somehow half open between the two sides, I believe, such is not to bad a filter. It will help to adjust to one another and give the Turkish side time to build up some kind of self-respect, economically, and drift slowly but surely away from the ‘mother country’ to an own grown-up existence that can one day face up to its other side of the cheek, saying: I am as attractive as you, but different and I want you to understand this, my part of the one-face, like I will try to understand you.

This should not make you think that I talk about division as division was practiced and understood in Germany once upon a time. As I mentioned before: the doors remains half open and bi-communal politics should be intensified. They should as a first step – from my point of view – avoid the term ‘bi-communal’. It is so lull and sucked up by now. I would love to hear people speak about – I wrote it before already in another article – ‘common’ this and ‘common’ that project, groups – name it.

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